My vision for Blackall-Tambo...

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I know that the Blackall-Tambo Regional Shire has a lot of potential, however we have somewhat lost our confidence to be self-sufficient, relying on government funding to get us by – it is NOT SUSTAINABLE.

My vision is to support local business thriving, attract investment and new business and industry to town and to encourage Council to set the right conditions for jobs to be created here. If we can grow our local economy, also using tourism, we can create wealth and keep it in town and become self sufficient.

It’s up to us!

Community To Be Heard

Many of us feel that the Council is not listening to the towns’ needs...
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Many of us feel that the Council is not listening to the towns’ needs and there is minimal consultation. I will keep residents informed and will advocate to bring back public forums, so that you can have a say on the future of our region.

Support our local economy

We must keep our money circulating within our local economy, not watch it leave...
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We must keep our money circulating within our local economy, not watch it leave to other towns. I want to see our Council contracting the services of our local businesses wherever possible and setting the right conditions for current businesses to have stability and to do well. Blackall and Tambo must stay open for business.

Create opportunities

As your councillor, I will work to advance new businesses and job opportunities...
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As your councillor, I will work to advance new businesses and job opportunities, in both Blackall and Tambo. I know that the two towns can work together to achieve more. We have ample space and warehouses for industries to set-up here, and if Council can encourage this, then we can create more jobs in both towns.

Fair money allocations and no waste

I believe that we need objective money allocations for each town...
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It is called the Blackall-Tambo Regional Shire for a reason and I believe that we need objective money allocations for each town. I also want the waste of ratepayers’ funds to cease - no more wasting money on expensive feasibility studies or reports by consultants. We have expertise in our region so let's use them first and then spend ratepayer funds if we must.

Be sustainable and survive

We cannot continue to be reliant on the State Government...
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We cannot continue to be reliant on the State Government, Council or a small group of companies, to provide all the jobs in town; this is unsustainable. Regional services are being shut down across the country and if we are to survive, we must be self-sufficient by encouraging businesses to open and private investment. I will work with Council to create these initiatives - it's up to us and not politicians in Brisbane.

Support community events

Being situated on a main tourist route, Blackall and Tambo should be taking advantage of tourists...
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I believe community events are an integral part of our lives and a way to bring the region together. Being situated on a main tourist route, we should be taking advantage of tourists and promoting our region as a destination. I am committed to creating events in our region. If tourists can stay longer, spending money here, it will support our businesses, create jobs and improve our  economy.

Keep Our Youth Here

Our younger members of the community also have ambitions, be it developing a business...
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Our younger members of the community also have ambitions, be it developing a business, sporting and cultural pursuits. Many of them want to stay in our region and raise a family here, unfortunately there is a slim chance of this happening due to the lack of jobs and facilities. I would like to see Council provide support for our young people who would like to start their own business in town.

Roads, Rates & Rubbish

Our roads into and out of the Region are our lifeblood and...
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Our roads into and out of the Region are our lifeblood and drive us economically; we all depend on good roads. I will continue to uphold and support Council delivering these basic services, to the best of our ability. Any maintenance that must take place, must happen within a reasonable timeframe.



What our region says about Councillor David Hardie...

I have known David for many years and always found him to be friendly, approachable and kind. He is honest and trustworthy and cares about the Blackall community. David is always well presented and greets people with a smile. I know David Hardie will approach a role as Councillor with integrity and will strive to do what is best for our community.

Kirstie Davison

MaRiKi Media

I have known David Hardie for over 24 years and find him to be most approachable, with an honest outlook and a reputation to match. He gives freely of his time as an important local business operator. Even though David was initially on the land as a grazier, he has a disposition that connects with all walks of life and I think will suit active participation in Council representation. He conducts a Real Estate business in Blackall and actively promotes our region to Clients in a most positive manner. Without a doubt, David will apply himself to bringing his long experience in business to the Council and contribute greatly to the advancement of the Blackall and Tambo region.

Ian Kinsey

Outback Chemist Blackall,
Spar Blackall, Outback Emporium
& Red Rocket Discount Variety

I have known David Hardie since he and his family moved to the Blackall district in 1996.
He is firstly a family man of high moral standing and a very approachable person.
I believe David’s positive nature, forward outlook and progressive approach towards the community would make him an excellent candidate for local council.

Ian Walker

Pastoralist & Santa Gertrudis Stud Operator

As your Councillor, David Hardie will bring Blackall & Tambo together.





My commitment to you...


Our elected leaders should be setting an example for the rest of the community. As a servant to the people, a Mayor and Councillors must always be honest and do what is right for the community as a whole. I pledge to always act with honour, as your future Councillor of Blackall-Tambo Regional Council.


Council must deliver results for the Blackall-Tambo region, with cost effective outcomes. I want to work in a council that has a 'can-do' attitude. I will represent ratepayers and residents and do what I can to meet their expectations.​


Blackall-Tambo Regional Council's Code of Conduct must always be implemented. As your Councillor, I will champion accountability from my colleagues and Council staff, and make Blackall-Tambo Regional Council a great example for the rest of the Queensland.


I will be mindful of the needs and expectations of the community, in putting your needs first. All projects undertaken by council must be in the best interest of the immediate community. I will encourage the Council to portray empathy towards Blackall-Tambo residents and to always work with the local community.