The Blackall-Tambo Regional Council gets started with a new team.

The Blackall-Tambo Regional Shire has voted in their new Council and I am very honoured to have been given the opportunity to be your new Councillor; what a privilege it is to represent this wonderful region we live in. I wish to thank all voters who have put their faith in me as your elected Councillor.

Firstly, I am very excited about the next four years and look forward to making a definite contribution to the advancement of our region.

We hit the deck running on Wednesday, 15th of April, with Councillors being sworn into Office, a special Post Election Meeting, selecting a Deputy Mayor, appointment of Councillors on the various working groups and future meeting dates for Council. There were two nominations for Deputy Mayor – Lindsay Russell and myself. The vote was 5/2 in favour of Lindsay and I have congratulated him on being reappointed.

Those elected are:
Mayor Andrew Martin
Cr Lindsay Russell (Dep. Mayor)
Cr David Hardie
Cr Grahame Schluter
Cr Jane Scobie
Cr Pam Pullos
Cr Boyd Johnstone

One of our icons in the region is the Woolscour and I want to see it stay open and continue to be a valuable part of our tourism infrastructure. I therefore have accepted to become a member of the Council working group, tasked with protecting this asset and look forward to working with the committee. It will be a challenge but it can be done through passion, lateral thinking and hard work to achieve a great outcome for our future generations.

Another concern for our region, and Australia, is the impact that COVID-19 has had on our economy. The Mayor has provided excellent guidance and leadership on the matter and there have been plenty of meetings between the CEO and himself, with various other stakeholders, over the past few weeks to address any issues. To help ease the financial stress that COVID-19 has brought, Council has discontinued charging interest on overdue rates and charges for the period from 15th April to 30th June 2020.

Before I was elected, I attended Council meetings as a member of the public, and now as a Councillor, I see many positives going on with the Blackall-Tambo Regional Council. I want to make sure that Council stays transparent to the ratepayers and residents and I believe that first and foremost, the management of Council finances must be communicated. I am very pleased to announce that the Council’s finances are in good shape. With this position, we have choices. If we had a large amount of debt, “Big Brother” from Brisbane (State Treasury) would be scrutinising the Council with every dollar spent. We need to be spending wisely again when preparing the upcoming budget and this includes getting good value for ratepayers.

There are two building projects that have been given the green light, in Blackall. The first being the Indoor Cricket Project with the supply and installation of a 18m x 36m x 6m high steel shed and the supply and installation of an indoor synthetic turf court and netting. Bill McNall will supply and construct the shed totalling $141,000 (excl. GST) and Gabba Products providing the turf for $50,890 (excl. GST).

The Blackall Rugby League Shed extension including the construction and fit out of 2 new dressing sheds, 1 disable toilet and a referees room has also been approved. The tender was awarded to SLJ Building Company of St George.

The local contractors with road construction gear have been all engaged by the Council. I strongly agree with this as it is keeping money in our local towns.

Other items of interest include the Tambo Saw Mill which is not operating. It was supporting thirteen families and Council has called for a tender for the power to the Tambo weighing scales, to be separate from the Saw Mill. Seven tenders were received by Council and a decision will be made at the next Council meeting in Tambo, in May.

The Blackall Saleyards are continuing with weekly cattle sales. There are strict COVID-19 guidelines in place and saleyard numbers have been averaging around 4000hd, per sale. Funding for the Tambo Dam Lights Project has been revised downwards. Additional funding avenues are presently being researched.

I would like to thank the council staff members and the private cleaning contractors who have continued to maintain the public facilities in Tambo and Blackall, to keep us all healthy during this pandemic. I also ask all residents to please look after our elderly and vulnerable citizens whenever you can. It is so important to give them support.

Finally, I pay my respects to the families who have recently lost their loved ones: Michael Wood (Woody), Vale Harker & Wayne Dendle will be missed in our community.

Note: This article is not necessarily a summary of Blackall-Tambo Regional Council business. These are my opinions and not those of the Blackall-Tambo Regional Council. Please visit for Council information.




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As your Councillor, David Hardie will bring Blackall & Tambo together.